Conversations on Climate Transformation


Issue 39(1) of PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review includes a symposium on Climate Transformations that showcases research by Jerome Whitington, Gökçe Günel, and David Rojas. Here, we offer a cross-disciplinary spillover conversation on the symposium. Spearheaded by Digital Editorial Fellows, Kosi Onyeneho, Nathan Coben, and Natalia Guzmán Solano, this free-to-access supplement features an introduction by Onyeneho, Coben, and Guzmán Solano; written responses to questions posed in the symposium by four non-anthropology experts; and a digital video conversation between David Rojas and Antonia Walford about the role of anthropology in public conversations about climate change.

The pieces that make up the cross-disciplinary conversation on Climate Transformations are:

The original symposium on Climate Transformations includes the following pieces:

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